What Was Life Like Before An iPhone?

My guest this week is Morgan Mandel, who is on e-tour with her newest novel, Forever Young: Blessing or Curse.

Fresh beginnings turn tragic when Dorrie Donato’s husband, Larry, is killed in a hit and run accident a few months after starting a new job at the Life is for Living Institute. Discouraged and desperate after  suffering countless setbacks, Dorie accepts an offer by  Larry’s boss, the famous Angel Man, to  be the first to test an experimental pill designed to spin its user back to a desired age and hold there, yet still retain all previous memories.  The pill seems too good to be true. Maybe it is.

by Morgan Mandel

I’m very attached to my iPhone.  I hardly go anywhere without it. It’s super-handy for my lifestyle. I can easily fit it in my pocket or purse , and whip it out to check emails, take or send photos, access Facebook or Twitter, add something on the calculator, listen to music or radio, or actually use it as a telephone.  That’s just a start, but you get the idea. It’s hard to recall what my life was like before this handy gadget.

Because an iPhone is such a vital part of my life, it was a natural for me to include one in the plot of Forever Young: Blessing or Curse.  In the opening scene, the last words of Dorrie’s husband, Larry, involve his iPhone. Believing he refers to all the photos and songs they’d shared together, she mistakes what he’s actually trying to convey.

Though her husband’s boss, Roman, asks about its whereabouts, Dorrie pretends not to know. She plans to keep the phone for sentimental reasons, despite the fact her husband used it at work and synced it to the computer there. She has no interest in formulas and chemistry, so if anything from his job is on there, the secrets are safe with her.

Her chance discovery of the explosive evidence contained on that iPhone throws her into danger from all sides, as she flees for her freedom and her life.

This paranormal romantic thriller is available at the Blog Book Tour Price on Kindle for $1.99 – http://tinyurl.com/6tsntn6

See entire list of other available electronic venues at http://morgansbooklinks.blogspot.com

Thanks for inviting me over Heidi, and letting me share about my iPhone and my paranormal romantic thriller, Forever Young: Blessing or Curse.

Thank you, Morgan, for stopping by on your tour!

Maybe the readers here would like to mention if they have an iPhone or smartphone, and if they’re also as dependent on theirs as I am on mine.

Morgan Mandel is a former freelancer for the Daily Herald newspaper, prior president of Chicago-North RWA, prior Library Liaison for Midwest MWA, and belongs to Sisters in Crime and EPIC. She enjoys writing thrillers, mysteries, romances and also enjoys combining them. Her latest paranormal romantic thriller is Forever Young: Blessing or Curse, Book One of the Always Young Series, available on Kindle and Smashwords. Other novels by Morgan Mandel include the romantic suspense, Killer Career, the mystery, Two Wrongs, and the romantic comedy, Girl of My Dreams. Morgan is now working on Book Two of the Always Young Seres, called Blessing or Curse: A Forever Young Anthology, where readers will learn what happens to others who have taken the Forever Young pill.  One more book will follow bringing back the original heroine to close out the series.

Blog: http://morganmandel.blogspot.com

Website: http://www.morganmandel.com

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23 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Thanks for hosting me today at your blog, Heidi, and letting me share my book and my iPhone!

    Morgan Mandel

  2. I liked how you used it in the book too, Morgan. I don’t have an iPhone or smartphone. I barely use my cell phone. The closest I get to Apps is on my Kindle Fire. I think if I were out and about more, I would feel the need to have a better phone, but right now it’s not necessary.

    Hope readers check out your book. I certainly enjoyed it.


    • Thanks, Cheryl. I’m glad you enjoyed my book.

      I think with iPhones, it’s kind of like microwaves. Once you get used to one, you can’t do without it. Since you got a Kindle Fire, I bet you’re getting hooked on it! Gadgets are good!

      Morgan Mandel

  3. I can’t wait to get an iphone for my bday this April. I have an ipod and and ipad and I LOVE them!

  4. I was a Blackberry addict from 1997 (I was a Beta tester of the product) through 2011. I bought myself an iPhone 4S for Christmas, and Siri has become the MVP on my team. I don’t know how I managed without this device. I think it is timely, relevant, and intriguing that the iPhone is material to the plot of your story, Morgan. I’ve heard other stories of people leaving their iPhones to their children, when they pass into a realm where it won’t be needed, as a digital montage of what they deemed to be important here on Earth.

  5. I’m happy to host you, Morgan. This is an interesting post–people seem to have become addicted to their i-whatevers! My husband got an i-phone recently and I inherited his Blackberry. So I will get his i-phone when/if he gets something new! They are pretty cool!

  6. Good luck, Morgan. Forever Young is a fun yarn.

  7. I have an iPhone. I like having all those features you described, but I admit I don’t use it very much. I tend to forget about it, then when I go to call someone, it’s dead.

  8. I don’t have a smart phone or a dumb phone. LOL I may be the last person on earth who does not use a cell phone. I know they can be most helpful in so many situations, but it is one more piece of technology that I have to learn how to use. I’d rather learn spinning, or painting, or Spanish.

    I do believe I’m a true Plugger. LOL

  9. I share your iPhone love! Fun use of tech in a story! Congrats on the release!

  10. Morgan, Your series sounds intriguing. Clever use of iPhone in the plot. I am addicted to my BlackBerry, I love having access to my email and the Internet wherever I go. I also read ebooks on it with the Kindle app.

    Linda Hope Lee

  11. Thanks, Pauline! Another techie lover!

    Morgan Mandel

    • Sometimes I’ll be doing something with my phone and it will hit me how different life is now, then it was pre-cell phone. When I’d drive back to school, I had to call my parents at the gas stops, so they’d know I was all right. Now you can hardly find a phone booth! There are some downsides to all this connectivity, but I know I feel safer when I and my kids travel, knowing help can be summoned from almost anywhere (there are still dead spots!). But it is also a bit creepy to know that your movements can be tracked….

      But I still love the tech! LOLOL!

      • Poor Superman! LOL

  12. Yes, I feel very unprotected when I forget to bring my cell phone with me somewhere. Also, you’re right, Pauline. There’s aren’t many phone booths left these days!

    Morgan Mandel

  13. LOLOL! And they aren’t even full phone booths when you find one! I wonder where he’ll change in the future?

  14. Magic. He’ll somehow make one.

    Morgan Mandel

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