What is the scariest thing that has happened to you?

I’m participating in a round-robin blog this week about scary things. Please also visit the other participants listed at the end of this post.
We all have had heart-pounding, stomach-clenching moments that live permanently in our memories. In the past, I’ve only had a few  scary experiences.

Ski hill

  • Perched at the top of a black diamond ski run, thinking I should’ve stuck to the bunny hill.
  • Climbing to the top of a 75-foot platform at the water slide park and looking down at that nearly vertical drop. Can I just climb back down?
  • Performing a piano solo at a music competition. Why didn’t I practice more? What if I forget the notes?
  • Giving a talk in front of a large crowd. What if I sound stupid?

All these instances created that flight-or-fight, adrenaline-producing, momentary fear response. But each of these experiences turned into something thrilling, something I would do again. I learned from each scary moment

Now I face the scariest experience of all. My husband—best friend and soul-mate—of 40+ years is gone, and I’m facing life at the top of another one of those seemingly impossible peaks. Do I have the courage, the strength, the stick-to-itiveness it takes to pass through grief and recreate my life without him?

Those scary experiences that now seem so mundane did teach me that I could pause, take a deep breath, and call on some deep inner strength. I learned I had the courage to do it, that I could live through it, and that I came out the other side stronger than I was before.

I hold on to that thought, and it doesn’t seem as scary.


Now, please visit the following participants and see what scares them!

Skye Taylor  http://www.skye-writer.com/
Anne Stenhouse  http://annestenhousenovelist.wordpress.com/
A.J. Maguire  http://ajmaguire.wordpress.com/
Rachael Kosnski http://the-doodling-booktease.tumblr.com/
Margaret Fieland http://www.margaretfieland.com/blog1/
Geeta Kakade http://geetakakade.blogspot.com/
Marci Baun  http://www.marcibaun.com/
Beverley Bateman http://beverleybateman.blogspot.ca/
Victoria Chatham http://victoriachatham.webs.com/
Diane Bator http://dbator.blogspot.ca/
Fiona McGier http://www.fionamcgier.com/
Ginger Simpson http://mizging.blogspot.com/
Rhobin Courtright http://www.rhobinleecourtright.com/

Published in: on October 25, 2014 at 12:05 am  Comments (5)  
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5 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Hullo Heidi, that is a huge and very scary challenge. I wish you well, Anne Stenhouse

  2. Hugs to you Heide. Losing someone is always scary, as is having to go on without them.

  3. I am so sorry for your loss. That is scary. Hugs…

  4. I hurt for you, Heide. You were truly blessed to have a love that lasted so long, and to have found a man with whom you could have that kind of partnership. Some folks never find that.

    As for those other things? I’m too chicken to go skiing, and I really HAVE climbed down from the high dive, to the great embarrassment of my children, standing there rolling their eyes at me. I have performed music for a crowd, but not for many years. And some speeches I’ve given easily, whereas others made me feel like I was going to pass out. You’re a stronger woman than me.

  5. Thank you all. Fiona, I think we each have our strengths and weaknesses. Some things we can overcome and some we can’t.

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