Welcome to My Writing World

Hi, I’m a longtime writer, a journalist and a pre-published novelist. I love everything about books and writing. So much, in fact, that I want to share what knowledge and experience I have gleaned through the years. So, in addition to writing for myself, I edit manuscripts for others and I teach classes in Memoir and Beginning Fiction Writing.

I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, have a wonderful and supportive husband and two pesky cats. I belong to the Skagit Valley Writers League, Women Writing the West and Northwest Independent Editors Guild.

My purpose here is to share whatever knowledge or experience I’ve gleaned throughout my years of writing and reading. I want to talk about the writing process, discuss techniques, interview other authors, and kick around ideas.

So, come on in and sit a spell. Let’s have a cuppa together and chat.

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my ‘read’ shelf:
 my read shelf

Published in: on July 21, 2008 at 3:16 am  Comments (11)  
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11 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. You sound like an interesting and crafted writer that can also add personal touches to others’ ideas. And I know this in FACT since you are my sister in law! May this be a wonderful tool for making your dreams come into fruition. Your family is behind you!!

  2. Very un-intimidating. Warm, welcoming. I think it would be very inviting and helpful for wantabe writers. And that’s just the words — the picture is a great touch. Who is this “pesky” cat on your lap?

  3. Heidi:

    I’m so excited about 99% sure to be published book! Congrats on the the blog.

    Laura in Bozeman, Montana

  4. Heidi, your blogspot has great potential. Very fine interview with Bob Mottram. I look forward to reading more about what is happening in Skagit Valley writers’ world. Sun thoughts,

  5. Hi Heidi:

    The article about Robert Mottram was very interesting.

    Will “Cowgirl Dreams” be appropriate to read to your very intelligent 6 year old great niece? She has a very good attention span and loves books.

    I’m already promoting your book. I think you should be interviewed about “Dreams” and then post it to YouTube. I’ll post it on my channel.

    You are inspiring me to write again.

    Happy trails to you.

  6. Heidi: Enjoyed your interview with Robert Mottram; I plan to purchase and read his book – after I finish Jane Kirkpatricks’ last one. I’m so looking forward to reading your soon-to-be published book! You guys take care and enjoy your trip. Love, Shirley

  7. Thank’s for sharing your blog spot with me. Although I am not into reading the author interviews and writing info so much, I will enjoy your personal blog comments, and I loved seeing the picture, since it’s been so-o-o-o long, dear friend, that we have seen each other. Very nice pic. Best wishes.

  8. Hello Heidi:

    I have reserved my inaugural blog comment for a worthy blogsite. Yours is as worthy as I’ve found. Your 50-pager commentaries and encouragements were much appreciated. I look forward to the point at which you drop the pre on “novelist.”

    Joe S.

  9. Great blog, Heidi and very insightful interview, too. Good questions that give us a picture of Bob Mottram and his writing life but also reveal your depth as an observer of human character and your gentleness of spirit. I’ll look forward to seeing your book published. It’s been a long journey and continues but as you note, that’s part of what keeps us young. nice cat, too 🙂 Warmly, Jane

  10. I want to post this for all to see. Heidi is editing a manuscript for me and does a terrific job. I think she is a mind reader, as her comments and corrections were exactly what I asked for. Heidi is clear and consistent in her suggestions and I was able to utilize her recommendations right away. I highly recommend her to the “wanna be” writers out there! Oh yes, she is also most pleasant to work with.

  11. Friend Heidi —
    I just finished looking at your blog. I read most of it (It’s 6 ayem, after all, & eyes don’t focus too well…). I’m totally impressed ! You Go Girlfriend ! Delia

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