My Blog Tour Begins!

My Blog Tour

My virtual book tour begins May 17 and will run through May 28. Stop in and visit! dreams-1-x-13Write a comment and qualify for give-aways!

May 17: “The Cowgirl Behind Cowgirl DreamsPetticoats and Pistols

May 18: Author Interview L. Diane Wolfe, Spunk on a Stick

May 19:Book Review and Podcast Interview The Bluestocking Guide

L. Diane Wolfe, Circle of Friends

May 20:Cowgirl Dreams: The Process Christina Rodriguez

May 21: “An Interview with Mama” Carol Buchanan

“Grandma and Her Horses” Oh Horsefeathers!

May 22:

”Rural Montana: Life in a High School Dorm”Mary E. Trimble

May 23: “Writing Connections” Women Writing the West

May 24: “Women Compete With Men” Equestrian Ink

May 25: “Writing a Montana Historical” A Western Happening, Jean Henry Mead

May 26: “Sense of Place” Susan Tweit

May 27: “Writing a Novel Based on Real Characters: Angela Wilson, Book Addict

May 28: “Lassoer in Lingerie” Pony Girl

If you leave a comment of substance, I will enter your name in one of several drawings throughout the two weeks. Some of the prizes include:

A Washington coffee cup and chocolate

A cup cozy and coffee sampler

Cowgirl Soap


A horse home/garden ornament

A journal and pen

A copy of Testimony by Anita Shreve, courtesy of Hachette Books

And a mystery gift on my last stop!

Published in: on May 16, 2009 at 6:41 pm  Comments (8)  
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8 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Good luck on your tour. Be sure to remind us each day of where you are. Seniors like me have a tendency to forget things.

    Morgan Mandel

  2. Thanks I found this blog really useful, I’ll recommend it to friends.

  3. Great Blog Thanks 🙂

  4. I love this blog, I’ll be recommending it to friends

  5. Thank you for letting me part of your tour. I’m very excited for you!!

  6. I just found you via Pony Girl. Gotta love the cowgirl blog world and keeping us all connected. Good luck on your tour and congratulations!

    • Hi Marjorie,
      Thank you so much for stopping by. We do have to keep that Cowgirl life alive!


  7. Hi Heidi! I’m having so much fun hosting your tour. I loved the article on cowgirl fashion, wish I could write such informative and historical posts, LOL! 🙂
    I hope you are enjoying reading the comments and thanks for coming on over and checking in and commenting, too! I can’t wait to see who wins the book!! Once again, you are living my dream, when I go to publish my first book someday, I may be asking to meet you for coffee and get some advice! ~PG

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